Dental Crowns

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Dental crowns, also known as caps, have both functional and aesthetic purposes. Primarily, a crown is used to protect the tooth when the underneath structure has been damaged or stained beyond repair.

However, the appearance of a crown will mean the tooth will look natural against the rest of your teeth, instead of having a damaged or discoloured tooth. Unlike dental bridges or dentures, crowns are permanently fixed into place. Therefore, they offer a long lasting solution to replace the surface of a tooth when it has been worn down or damaged.

Emax Crown

Emax crowns are made from Lithium Disilicate glass which is a type of ceramic. The benefits of Emax crowns is that less of the tooth needs to be removed to fit them, and their light coloured appearance blends seamlessly with the rest of your teeth.

This makes them suitable for more visible areas of your mouth. Emax crowns also offer excellent longevity.

Metal Crown

Metal crowns can be made from a variety of different materials including gold, palladium, nickel or chromium. The main advantage of metal crowns is they are the strongest of any crown type, with gold crowns aptly being named the ‘gold standard’ of crowns.

One aspect to consider is that a metal crown will not blend in with your natural teeth. If the tooth is towards the back of your mouth, then this won’t cause too much of an issue. So the choice comes down to whether you would prefer a crown that has the same colour as the rest of your teeth or have a crown that will potentially have a longer lifespan but is visible as is the case with a metal crown.

Temporary Crown

Temporary crowns are fitted to protect the teeth until a permanent crown can be fitted. As the name suggests, temporary crowns are not designed for permanent wear, though will hold up until your permanent crown is ready.

If we fit a temporary crown on your tooth we will book you in for a follow up appointment to get a permanent crown fitted. This usually takes place within a couple of weeks.

Zirconia Crown

Zirconia crowns are also a type of ceramic made from Zirconium Dioxide. The material is incredibly strong and very resistant to cracks. As a result, Zirconia crowns suit back teeth as they can withstand the force of chewing. Tooth preparation may also be less with a Zirconia crown.

The look of Zirconia is slightly less natural compared with a porcelain crown. However, one option to counteract this is to have a porcelain layer placed over the crown, which will make it easier to colour match with your surrounding teeth.

Reasons For Needing A Crown

As we age our teeth do too. General decay, wear and tear and even the way we chew can take their toll on our teeth. Here are the 4 most common reasons why your dentist may suggest you need a crown:

Previous Root Canal Treatment

Most people who have had a root canal will require a dental crown. When you have a root canal, the living part of the tooth has been removed due to infection. This means the tooth does not have the option of remineralising or defending itself anymore.

A crown is used to prevent the tooth from cracking or breaking. It is a straightforward procedure that is far less invasive than the root canal itself and will give longevity to the tooth.


Cavities that have been left untreated for too long may require a crown. The dentist will only recommend a crown if they feel your tooth would be unable to support a filling due to extensive decay.

The possibility of tooth decay is just one of the reasons why regular dental checkups are essential so that such measures can be prevented. However, rest assured we will talk you through all of the options so that the best outcome for your tooth can be achieved.


Trauma to the teeth can happen for various reasons, but most commonly it’s due to grinding of the teeth (bruxism). Over time the habit can begin to wear away your teeth, potentially causing chips or cracks that will get worse the longer they are left for.

A crown acts as a preventative measure so that the tooth will remain intact. Some people who grind or damage their teeth may need a root canal, which in turn may also mean they need a dental crown.

Temporary Crown

Temporary crowns are fitted to protect the teeth until a permanent crown can be fitted. As the name suggests, temporary crowns are not designed for permanent wear, though will hold up until your permanent crown is ready.

If we fit a temporary crown on your tooth we will book you in for a follow up appointment to get a permanent crown fitted. This usually takes place within a couple of weeks.


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How Much Does A Dental Crown Cost UK?
The exact cost of a crown will vary per patient and will depend on what type of crown is chosen.

Crowns fall under Band 3 for NHS dentistry, meaning your treatment will be priced at £282.20. Some NHS patients may be exempt from the cost of dental treatment.

For private patients, our crowns start at £260 for a metal crown, ranging up to £550 for our Zirconia or Emax Crowns.

Additional fees if applicable will be discussed during your consultation.

How Much Tooth Is Needed For A Crown?
Dental crowns are recommended when a significant portion of the tooth has been affected by damage, decay or staining. Crowns are capable of fitting on a very minimal tooth structure.

As part of the crown preparation process, your dentist will file down the tooth so it can accept the crown. If required, they will also fill areas out so that the shape is correct for the crown to be placed on top.

We will always advise you on the suitability of any treatment during your consultation, so please rest assured we will only fit a crown if we deem that the underlying tooth is suitable for the procedure.

If your tooth is not suitable for a crown, then we will explain any other options that may be available to you.

What Does A Dental Crown Procedure Involve?
The crown fitting process is relatively straightforward and will take place over 2 separate appointments. In your first appointment, the area around the tooth will be numbed to help with any discomfort.

The tooth will then be prepared by filing it down so that the crown will be able to fit properly over the top. Sometimes this requires what’s known as a build-up, whereby your dentist will replace some of the missing structure similar to a filling.

An impression of the prepared tooth will be taken and a temporary crown will be placed over the tooth. The impression will be sent off to a lab that will create your dental crown.

You’ll then return for your 2nd and final appointment, where your permanent crown will be cemented into place. The fit of the crown will be checked so that any adjustments can be made if needed.

In the few days following the procedure, there may be some slight soreness around the tooth, and over the counter pain medication may be necessary.

How Long Do Crowns Last?
All porcelain, porcelain fused to metal crowns and Emax crowns last between 5 and 15 years on average.

Zirconia crowns last between 10 and 20 years though can last for longer.

Metal crowns have a slightly longer lifespan of up to 20 years. Gold crowns have the longest lifespan, and can potentially last a lifetime if taken care of to a high standard.

You can achieve the maximum lifespan of your crown by maintaining good oral hygiene including brushing twice a day, as well as using dental floss and mouthwash daily.

Come and see us for a regular checkup so we can see how you are getting on with your crown. We will also give you advice on how to best take care of your crown.

How Long Does A Crown Take To Fit?
Every crown fitting will vary slightly depending on the individual patient. However, the first appointment including tooth preparation will take around 1 hour. The follow up appointment to cement your crown in place will take between 15 and 30 minutes.

We will keep you informed of everything you should expect during each appointment, though please contact us if you have any further questions.

How Can I Avoid Getting A Crown?
There are many different reasons why someone may need a crown, so there are several things you can do to help avoid needing one.

Firstly, great oral hygiene is a given as bacteria can cause a whole host of issues for your teeth and gums. We advise you to brush your teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, in addition to using floss, interdental brushes and mouthwash. If it has been longer than 12 months since your last dentist appointment, please book a checkup with us.

Avoid smoking and limit sugary foods wherever possible, as this will help reduce tooth decay.

Trauma can also result in the need for a dental crown, so always wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports. You may also need a mouthguard if you grind your teeth while you sleep, so please come and see us if you are experiencing this issue, so that we can help protect your teeth.

Another top tip is to avoid using your teeth to open bottles or packaging with, as this is an easy way teeth can become chipped. A pair of scissors will do the job just fine!

If you are at the stage where your dentist has advised you that you need a crown, we will take the very best care of you to put you at ease.

Why Do I Need A Crown Not A Filling?
As mentioned, not all cavities can accept a filling, as the filling needs to be able to withstand the stress of biting and chewing. If tooth decay is too severe for a filling, without a crown the tooth could crack or break. Your dentist will always weigh up the best option depending on your particular case.
Getting Crowns On Front Teeth
All teeth are prone to breakage, decay or staining, including your front teeth. As your front teeth make up a visible portion of your smile, we understand how important it is for the crown to look as natural as possible.

The most natural looking crown type is an Emax crown. During your consultation, we will run through all the available options for you depending on where the tooth is so you can make an informed decision.

What Should I Do If My Crown Falls Off?
A dental crown coming off is considered a dental emergency. Please contact us in the first instance on 0161 437 2382 if your crown has come off. Or call 0333 332 3800 to access an emergency dentist outside of surgery hours.

With good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist, you shouldn’t experience any major problems with your crown.

However, in the rare event that your crown falls off, you’ll need a crown recement. Quite simply, this is where your dentist will cement the crown back into place.